For the last 2 years, I’ve been somewhat stable. My symptoms are much reduced in both number and severity, but I’m not well - not by a long shot. I have a ton of therapies and remedies I do - some every day, some just from time to time as needed. But it’s a lot…

When I first started seeing my Lyme doc, he told me that to heal, I needed an island lifestyle. He didn’t mean I needed to literally move to a tropical island and live in a hut (although I do think that would be extremely therapeutic). What he meant is that I need to reduce stress…

The Burden of Good Intentions

I get so much advice and many many emails about my health issues. This supplement, that diet, exercise, detox, brain training, etc etc. Sometimes it can be frustrating when others want you to try something that doesn’t feel right to you. This morning I got an email talking about vagus nerve activation. The vagus nerve…

Heart Health

When I was 13, my grandfather had his first stroke, which left him paralyzed on the right side and unable to speak. My father has atrial-fibrillation (a-fib), which causes an irregular and fast heartbeat, along with chest pain. It can also cause strokes and heart failure (both of which he has also had several times…

Today is the Someday of Yesterday

It's been nearly a decade since my "crash". I remember thinking I would return to "normal" within a few weeks. Back to work, back to life, back to ME. When weeks and then months came and went, I started thinking something was really wrong. I went to doctor after doctor expecting one of them to…

Ayurveda – Pancha Karma

Yesterday, I started a new to me therapy called Pancha Karma. If it sounds like I'm speaking a foreign language, I am. Ayurveda is the traditional medicine practice in India. Ayurveda means "knowledge of life" (ayur = life, veda = science/knowledge). It is rooted in the concept that disease is due to a person's imbalance…

pH Balance

I have been researching ways to eat and live healthier - specifically reading The Swiss Secret and a few other books. It’s a HUGE learning process - and I generally eat healthier and use a variety of non-toxic products, but I can do much better. My personality includes a “need to know” function. I need…