7/6 – Pompa Program Body Phase Update

I am on the 2nd phase of the program - called the Body Phase. The first phase (the prep phase) was geared toward reducing cellular inflammation and supporting the downstream detox pathways (liver, kidney, intestines). The body phase focuses on removing the easy to reach toxins (and continuing the prep phase). During the Body Phase…

Cellular Healing Diet

As if my diet wasn’t difficult enough to explain, I’ve added more limitations and changes - but they are making a huge difference. I am working through a program learning to do 2 things: 1. Heal / fix the cells in my body (my cells are super inflamed and do not function as they should)…

Cellular Healing – 5 Weeks

I’ve been doing the Pompa program for 5 weeks. I really didn’t notice much the first couple of weeks - I had a hard time with the supplements initially so I backed off and then upped them slowly. How do I feel? Well - my digestive system has stabilized for the most part, I have…

Intro to Cellular Healing

I’ve just started a new program that focuses on cellular healing. I have learned a lot about this over the past 5 years but truth be told, this is the first time it made enough sense to actually understand how to do it correctly. What you’ll read from me in the coming months is what…