You would think the Lyme community would be excited to learn that a Lyme vaccine is on the horizon (2026). That’s just not the case. In fact, there are many - MANY - questions and concerns surrounding this effort. This is not the first Lyme vaccine - previous efforts did not go so well. The…

Lyme Disease – “The Big Picture”

This summer marks 18 years I’ve been been sick and 11 years since I became disabled. One of the most frustrating parts of this illness is how poorly it is understood. If you know someone with Lyme (or who is chronically sick and doctors don’t know why), take the time to watch the video below.…

There’s More to Lyme

Recently I’ve heard a few comments that reminded me how little people understand about Lyme+. Social media and digital communication lets people make comments they would never make in person. One woman lectured me for not doing all she thought I should for our community. She said I’m using my sickness as an excuse. When…


Recently, I started following the story of a little girl who suddenly stopped talking. Her parents were eventually able to learn about Lyme Literate Medical Doctors and found proper treatment for their daughter. She is thankfully improving, but has a long road ahead. Today, I was reading a follow up post on the girl and…

Pain – Excruciating Pain

Sunday was hard. Pain was high, all over weakness and body aches, shortness of breath, lightheaded, neuropathy, digestive distress. Monday was excruciating. In bed all day, in tears most of the time. I had just finished a few days of detox, which is always hard, but this felt different. It felt like I was crashing,…

Dr. Steven Harris – LLMD

This is my Lyme doctor. I am so grateful to him for his work in this specialized field and for the compassionate care he and his team have given me over the last 7 years. The Big Picture Lyme disease: is the most common vector borne disease in America the most common tick disease in…

The Joy of Life

I hate being sick. Hate it. It’s impossibly hard most days. I cry. I get mad. I feel hopeless at times. It’s ok to have a pity party just don’t unpack and live there! But I choose how to live with this sickness. I choose love. I choose joy. Yes - it’s a choice. Every…