I’ve been interested in grounding (or earthing as some call it) for several years but really hadn’t looked into it until recently. Several years ago, I told one of my doctors that I feel like my feet are claustrophobic - I hate wearing shoes. He took one of his shoes off and showed me his…

“Be The Designer of Your World…”

I read this quote today on an email I got from Earth Runners (barefoot sandals that help you ground). “Be the designer of your world and not merely the consumer of it.” - James Clear, Atomic Habits They went on to challenge us to get 1% better every day. I love that concept. Many of…

Tools for Healthy Living

I've been seeing a lot of articles and videos about getting well lately that are pretty linear in thought. Do THIS and you'll get well! To be honest, these rub me the wrong way. Don't get me wrong - the tools they are proposing are good tools, they're just not necessarily the cure all they…

pH Balance

I have been researching ways to eat and live healthier - specifically reading The Swiss Secret and a few other books. It’s a HUGE learning process - and I generally eat healthier and use a variety of non-toxic products, but I can do much better. My personality includes a “need to know” function. I need…

Stress & Anxiety

Stress Medlineplus says “Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand.” These reactions can come in the form of a physical, emotional or mental issues. Financial challenges, relationship troubles, a car crash, the loss of a job - there’s tons of short term factors that can trigger a stress response. When your body…

Reading Labels

As much as you can, buy fresh foods - meats and veggies. A good rule of thumb is to shop the outside aisles of the grocery store. When you buy packaged foods, read the labels and know what's in it. This includes things like cheese, lunch meat and pasta. If it comes in a package,…

Tai Chi Chuan

I have a really hard time with exertion of any kind. Simply walking down the hall is enough to send my body into a tailspin, so actual exercise can really take a toll on me. I've started implementing a basic Tai Chi program though and I'm finding I can do some of the simple, slow…

Wim Hof – Power Breathing

Wim Hof is a Dutch extreme athlete who has set world records in swimming and immersion in ice water and running a barefoot half marathon in ice and snow. His full method includes exposure to freezing temperatures and meditation, which he claims can help a variety of health issues. You can learn more about that…

Pressure System Release

"Every pressurized system needs a relief valve. There has to be a way to reduce the stress, the tension....there has to be a way to find relief, because if the pressure doesn’t find a way out, it will make one. It will explode. It’s the pressure we put on ourselves that’s the hardest to bear.…