Wind & Pain

The last few days have been rough. Every joint. Every muscle. Every bone. I just hurt all over. Today, any attempt to sit up or stand has been met with sharp, stabbing pains in my head, neck and face. At one point I tried pushing through the pain and ended up back in bed, crying…

Better Is Relative

I have moments when I get discouraged but for the most part, I am always looking for positive forward motion. When I compare myself to where I’ve been - bed-ridden, wheelchair, dying - I am most definitely better. That doesn’t mean I’m well. I still have a long way to go and while I do…

7 Year Blog Journey

Today marks 7 years since I began sharing my story here on WordPress. My First Post Here - Why I Started a Blog I haven't been consistent and I'm sure sometimes my posts didn't make sense to anyone but me. However I pray that at least some of what I've written has resonated in some…

God is still God

This photo was taken 7 years ago. I was at Stanford Medical Center getting bi-weekly lidocaine infusions. The infusions helped reduce pain - but my body began slowly rejecting it. My last injection ended with me being super loopy and slurring my words. It was a horrible time of life - pre-diagnosis, bed-ridden & using…

You’re Beautiful…

God has been dropping bits of encouragement on my life today - it's been more of an "in your face" kind of message that the fight is not over yet (FK&C). If you are feeling defeated right now, if your pain is too much to bear, if like me you are feeling fat and ugly…

Choosing Joy – Every Day

If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans!Seriously, this was not the life I planned! I'm not much for setting life goals - I've never had a "5 year plan", but I love adventure and experiences - and being sick tends to get in the way of that. I wake up every…

God Created Moments

If it hadn't been for a series of events that created a little chaos, I wouldn't have met her. Yet not only did we meet, God created an opportunity for me to share my story and give her hope. We arrived early for our flight and it's a good thing we did. We took our…

The Season

I often laugh at some of the things Peter said to Jesus. He was always sticking his foot in his mouth. He was rebuked for his words on several occasions and it's a little comforting to me that he was so foolish (mostly because I can relate to him). But think about it for a…

Some days, I wake up a little slow and weak but with coffee and a little time, pain starts to decrease and I start to feel a little energy. It's exciting to think I may be able to accomplish even simple tasks like making breakfast and doing dishes or laundry. Defeat: prevent (someone) from achieving…