After 8+ years of weeding through doctors who didn’t know what to do with me, I started to think outside the box and seek out the free thinkers who aren’t trapped by our societies medical rules & red tape. It’s not been easy – there are actually a lot of choices! Finding the right ones that have merit and substance – and can actually help – has been a process.

Below are ones that I trust and believe in – each has helped me in a different way. None are covered by insurance – just know that going into it. Alternative treatment is expensive. It shouldn’t be. But it is.

Pacific Frontier / Gordon Medical

Dr. Steven Harris has been my doctor since 2014. He is an ILADS trained, world renowned specialist in tickborne disease and how the body responds on an individual basis.

Pacific Frontier merged with Gordon Medical in April, 2024.

These specialists share tons of information through webinars and podcasts. They are a great resource.

Biologix Center for Optimum Health (formerly Hansa)

These doctors are way out of the box. If I knew what they did before I went, I wouldn’t have gone. SO I’M GLAD I DIDN’T KNOW!

Docere Life Center

Dr. Kison Frank was one of my doctors at Biologix. When they moved to Tennessee, he stayed in Kansas and started his own practice.

Pompa Program

Cellular healing is so important to those of us who are toxic and unwell. Diet and the right tools are critical to changing the tide.

There is a lot of good that came from this program, but it’s not easy, and it’s not for everyone. Most of the remedies were too harsh for my body. The diet was too rough for my daughter.

Hauser Neck Center

Many Lyme patients have Cervical Instability (ligaments in the neck are loose) causing a whole host of symptoms, including unbearable pain. This center can help!

Lyme Stop

Coming soon!